This animation..
IS SO SMOOTHE! It's apity though that it's stick, we have enough of these here on ng. BTW i gotto admit, it looks kinda stolen..
I can kinda tell from the weird name of this one and your "author's comments".
This animation..
IS SO SMOOTHE! It's apity though that it's stick, we have enough of these here on ng. BTW i gotto admit, it looks kinda stolen..
I can kinda tell from the weird name of this one and your "author's comments".
That was frikkin' Hilarious! Made me laugh hard enough to wake up everyone in the house (Its 1 AM here, im the only one that doesnt have to work tomorrow) xD
What, no unmissable outtakes?
Wow. New art, animation, games, humor, story, EVERYTHING!
Check out this chatlog while me and my friend were watching this, its dutch but who cares, you can kinda tell we liked it ;)
[15:53] Oputro: animation is er WEER beter op gewoeden
[15:53] Treeman: ja man
[15:53] Treeman: vloeiender
[15:53] Oputro: uhhu
[15:53] Treeman: beter drie deeh ook
[15:53] Oputro: ook art
[15:54] Treeman: en ze haar is langer BD
[15:54] Oputro: BD
[15:54] Treeman: lol @ reality show
[15:54] Oputro: in decline 1 was het nog redelijk kort
[15:54] Oputro: ja man
[15:54] Oputro: BD
[15:55] Treeman: lolz
[15:55] Treeman: lol
[15:55] Treeman: lol
[15:55] Oputro: lol
[15:55] Oputro: lol
[15:55] Oputro: lol
[15:55] Treeman: lol
[15:55] Oputro: lol
[15:55] Treeman: zelfs die stick movie is pro
[15:55] Oputro: lol
[15:55] Treeman: ge animeerd
[15:55] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Treeman: lol
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Treeman: haha
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:56] Treeman: die ventjes als chinezen
[15:56] Treeman: lOL
[15:56] Oputro: lol
[15:57] Treeman: ROFL
[15:57] Oputro: lol
[15:57] Treeman: fukkin engelsen
[15:57] Treeman: in china
[15:57] Oputro: lol
[15:57] Oputro: lol
[15:57] Oputro: lol
[15:57] Treeman: ZELDA RINGTONE
[15:57] Oputro: lol
[15:57] Oputro: ja lol
[15:57] Oputro: lol
[15:58] Oputro: lol
[15:58] Treeman: lol
[15:58] Treeman: metal gear
[15:58] Treeman: ^_^_^_
[15:58] Oputro: lol
[15:58] Treeman: ken je die games
[15:58] Oputro: ja echt
[15:58] Oputro: vet vreig
[15:58] Treeman: metal gear solid enzo ?
[15:59] Treeman: lol
[15:59] Treeman: ^_^
[15:59] Oputro: lol
[15:59] Oputro: SOULS
[15:59] Oputro: COKE
[15:59] Treeman: hehe
[15:59] Treeman: free money ^_^
[15:59] Oputro: lol idd
[15:59] Treeman: lol
[16:00] Treeman: lol
[16:00] Oputro: lolol
[16:00] Treeman: half life two :P
[16:00] Treeman: wat lame zeg hahaha\
[16:00] Treeman: die robots
[16:00] Oputro: ja echt
[16:01] Oputro: lol
[16:01] Treeman: haha
[16:01] Oputro: BACK IN YOUR CAGE!!
[16:01] Treeman: ^_^
[16:01] Treeman: maar ken je die of niet ?
[16:01] Treeman: metal gear solig games
[16:01] Treeman: * solid
[16:01] Treeman: llol
[16:02] Treeman: harde stoners
[16:02] Treeman: ( aka verdoveingspijlte maar goed )
[16:02] Treeman: haha zelda wordt weer hard afgezeken
[16:02] Treeman: loool
[16:03] Treeman: lllolllllllllll
[16:03] Treeman: weer parodie op
[16:03] Treeman: metal GEAR LOL
[16:05] Treeman: haha
[16:05] Treeman: It's not a real gun...
[16:05] Treeman: ;)
[16:06] Treeman: ^_^_^_^_
[16:06] Treeman: lol
[16:07] Treeman: kazige vermoming ook
[16:07] Treeman: nu weer parodie op
[16:07] Treeman: Final Fantasy
[16:07] Treeman: 8
[16:08] Treeman: hahahaha
[16:08] Treeman: ge ni aaaal
[16:08] Treeman: echt knap gemaakt respect
[16:08] Treeman: etc
Nice job, guys. Can't wait for 4!!
"but this is my first submission so be gentle."
If you want me to be gentle, MAKE A GOOD FLASH. what was the point of this shitty thing anyway?
Yet another funny lock movie xD. Greatly done!
Thank you! <3
Yeah it made me laugh xD
Lol, "Valve is after me, i need to get out"
Glad I could provide a laugh, and glad you enjoyed it mate. Peace.
The 3d stuff was ok, but it was too short, too slow framerate and try adding sound next time.
Hi I'm Jur, live in the netherlands and don't like wasting my time on writing stuff like this...Lol, like i have anything better to do, anyway xD
Age 35, Male
Haarlem, N-H
Joined on 6/25/05